La Cucina
Thinking of a name for this collection was extremely diffcult for us. The collection was originally going to be called Italian Kitchen but that sounded to boring for a collection like this, then we were going to call it “La Dolce Vita” or “The Good Life”. We finally settled on La Cucina which means the “The Kitchen” in Italian. When I was younger I always remembered the kitchen at my Grandmothers house. There was always fruit on the counter, on the wallpaper and in various forms of pottery and ceramics. Apparently we Italians take our fruit very seriously. I have always wanted to design a collection that was reminiscent of Italian pottery but the art I received was never quite right. This time it was drawn perfectly. After doing months of research into the colors and the way the designs and motifs flow together we have finished La Cucina.
The collection has 40 designs, most of them large and extremely detailed. There are lemons, pears, apples, grapes and olives. There are big scenes as well as border designs, corners, motifs and of course single pieces of fruit. Each design is hand shaded to mimic the watercolors on Italian pottery. Each design is outlined in bold blue to really make them pop! I think you will love to embroider these designs on linens for the kitchen. They are sure to brighten up a room.